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What is Emotional Intelligence.?

The capacity for recognizing, our own feelings and those of others, for motivating ourselves and for managing emotions well in ourselves and in our relationships is known as emotional intelligence.

Our workshop on emotional intelligence focuses on four key components -

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What EI is not

Being Smart


Controlling others emotions

Manipulating others

Being nice to others and always thinking positive

Letting emotions run


Fixed or genetic

What EI is.

It Includes five emotional and social competencies:

In our EI workshops we equip the employees with these 5 competencies that help them to harness their emotional intelligence in turn increasing their productivity and maintaining a work-life balance.


Understanding our own emotions and assessing them, knowing our strengths and limitations and building self-competencies like confidence.


It is about genuinely sensing and understanding others feelings and needs, actively listening to other’s perspective and being sensitive to group differences.

Social skills

It is about nurturing instrumental relationships, building rapport, working with others with shared goal, finding common ground and being persuasive.


It is about managing our disruptive emotions and impulses effectively, becoming flexible in handling change and challenges and being open to new perspectives.


It is about striving to meet a standard of excellence, have a personal drive to achieve goals and show initiative and optimism

Image by Icons8 Team

Emotional Intelligence helps you with

  • Increased self-confidence and self-control

  • Reduced stress and emotional distress

  • Improved mood and happiness

  • Enhanced focus and creativity

  • Better decision-making and problem-solving

  • Higher collaboration and teamwork

  • Stronger relationships and leadership skills

  • Greater satisfaction and fulfillment in your work

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